
Frequently Asked Questions / Help

Here you find some frequently asked questions and answers about CMB Online Banking. Please select a topic.

General Information

What do I need to sign up for CMB Online Banking? If you have a Bancomatico Smart card and at least one active current or savings account you can sign up for online banking using the application form for personal online banking on the cmbnv.com website.

What is an e-Code (soft token) and how can I get one? e-Code (soft token) is a new and modern replacement for the e-Pass. An e-Code number is an 8-digit number that is used primarily for Online Banking. Getting, or activating e-Code (soft token) happens electronically. You don’t need to visit a branch for this.

What happens to e-Pass after the introduction of e-Code (soft token)? We stopped issuing new e-Passes. As long as you have not activated e-Code (soft token) you can use your existing e-Pass. When you activate e-Code, for example via the Mobile Banking app, your e-Pass stops working. When we stop the support for e-Pass altogether, you also need to switch to e-Code (soft token).

Where can I download the app to generate an e-Code number? The e-Code Generator is part of the Mobile Banking app. After you have registered your device, the e-Code Generator link automatically appears on the login screen. For users that solely use the browser version of Online Banking, an Entrust Identity windows application is available via the Self-Service Portal.

I need an e-Code number for Online Banking on a computer, but my phone does not have an Internet connection, does the e-Code Generator still work? Yes, the e-Code Generator on your mobile device does not need an Internet connection to work, and can also be used offline.

I don’t use the Mobile Banking app. Can I still use e-Code (soft token)? Yes. e-Code (soft token) can also be used via the third party Entrust Identity app. This app is available for Android and iOS devices, and for Windows PCs. In this case activation is not done via the Mobile Banking app, but via the Self-Service Portal. Login to the Self-Service Portal and select “I’d like to activate e-Code (soft token)” from the main menu and follow the instructions.

I forgot my password. How can it be reset? When you have forgotten your password, it can be reset via the "Forgot password?" link on the CMB Online Banking login page. Clicking the link will take you to the Self-Service Portal. Follow the password reset process to get a new password.

Account Information

Which accounts can be viewed on CMB Online Banking? All active current and/or savings accounts linked to your personal CIF (your central file at the Bank) can be viewed, as well as the account balances of your credit card(s), loan(s), mortgage(s), time deposit(s) and call account(s).

Where can I find my transaction history? Go to your account list and click on the account for which you would like to display the transaction history. By default transactions of the past thirty (30) days are shown. To change this, use the ‘Show Filters’ option to select a different start and ending date.

How far back is it possible to view transactions in CMB Online Banking? Transactions for current, savings and credit card accounts are displayed up to at least five (5) years back.

Are bank statements available in CMB Online Banking? Yes, statements for current, statement savings and all credit card accounts are available for download in full color PDF. To download or view in the Mobile Banking app, go to the User menu > Account Statements. To download or view in the browser version, go to Accounts > Account Statement.

Where can I stop mailing of my paper statements? When you’d like to stop mailing of your paper statements you go to Accounts > Account Statements Delivery. Select the checkboxes for all bank accounts you’d like to stop mailing. Then submit and confirm to save the change.

When can today’s transactions be viewed in CMB Online Banking? Transaction history for current and savings accounts is real-time, so once a transaction has been processed it will immediately show up on your transaction overview. Credit card transactions are typically visible after a few business days.

Payments & Transfers

When will a payment or transfer be processed? In general, when you schedule a payment or transfer for the same day - meaning you enter today’s date in the date field - it will process immediately. When you enter a future date, it will process at 6 AM on the scheduled date.

Is it possible to get a confirmation that a payment has been made? CMB Online Banking generates confirmations that are available as a cyber receipt for download, or can be emailed. On the Mobile Banking app, the cyber receipt is available via the "pulse icon" below the profile picture in the User menu. In the browser version, the cyber receipt is available via Settings > Online Activity. The transaction eligible for a cyber receipt will show a small arrow to the right of the Status. Clicking the arrow allows you to either download or email the receipt.

How far back is it possible to view cyber receipts in CMB Online Banking? Cyber receipts are stored for eighteen (18) months.

Is there a difference in making a payment via the website or via the app? Yes, there is a difference in making the payment via the Mobile Banking app or via the browser version. You will find the same account information, payment types, templates and beneficiaries for both the Mobile Banking app and the browser version. The difference is in approving a payment. In the Mobile Banking app we introdcued "Smart Authorization". With every transfer or payment that you initiate, the bank performs a risk assessment. Based on the outcome, you will be allowed to submit the payment without any additional authorization, or you will be asked for additional authorization in the form of facial recognition, fingerprint scan or 5-digit PIN. In rare cases, if the risk conditions are deemed too high, you will be asked to contact the bank for security purposes. In the browser version you always need to enter an e-Code number to approve a payment or transfer (transfers to own accounts and pre-authorized templates excluded).

What is a risk assessment in Online Banking? A risk assessment is an evaluation of some conditions that can represent a threat to your security when using the bank's Online Banking services.

When I registered my device on my home Wi-Fi and I make a transaction on my data connection, the app is asking me for additional authentication. Is this correct? Yes, this is correct and caused by the ‘Smart Authorization’ risk assessment. If this happens, simply approve the transaction with the additional authentication.

Can I edit a template via the Mobile Banking app? Templates and beneficiaries can only be edited via the online banking website.

What is a pre-authorized template? You can create a pre-authorized template by selecting the pre-authorization option and a pre-authorization amount when saving the transaction as a template. For any subsequent transactions made using the pre-authorized template with an amount up to the pre-authorized limit you don't need to enter any additional authentication.

What are the maximum limits for a pre-authorized template?

The maximum limits for a pre-authorized template as as follows.

Transaction type Maximum Amount per
Pre-authorized template (AWG)*
Own Accounts Transfers 10,000
Transfers to CMB accounts 5,000
Local Transfers 5,000
International Payments 5,000
Bill Payments 10,000

* For a transaction in another currency the AWG equivalent will be used

Own Account Transfers

What is an Own Account Transfer and how does it work? An account transfer is moving funds between your own current and/or savings account(s) that are set up in CMB Online Banking. Transfers are supported in AWG, USD and Euro currencies. To transfer funds, go to Own Accounts Transfer and select the account you want to transfer funds from, the account you want to transfer the funds to, the currency (selection only available when From and To accounts have a different currency), the amount and optional comments.

Transfers to CMB Accounts

What is a Transfer to a CMB Account and how does it work? A transfer to a CMB Account is sending funds from your own account to another CMB current and/or savings account(s). Transfers are supported in AWG, USD and Euro currencies. To transfer funds, go to Transfers to CMB Accounts and select the account you want to transfer funds from, the beneficiary’s account (at CMB), the currency (selection only available when From and To accounts have a different currency), the amount, the transfer date and optional comments.

Is it possible to transfer Dollars and Euro's? Yes, it is possible to transfer US Dollars and Euros if either the from and/or to account is a US Dollar or Euro account.

Local Transfers

Can beneficiaries at other local banks be paid via CMB Online Banking? Yes. For payments to other local banks on Aruba use the Local Transfers option to transfer funds.

How long does it take for the funds to arrive on the beneficiary account? For transfers between local banks that participate in the Instant Payments (I-Pago) platform, it takes 5-10 seconds for the funds to be received. At that point the funds are immediately available to the beneficiary.

When the receiving bank is not on the I-Pago platform, the payment can take up to two (2) days.

I make a Local Transfer on Saturday or Sunday, when will the beneficiary get the funds? Instant Payments (I-Pago) is a platform that runs 24 hours per day and 365 days. When the Local Transfer is made to a local bank that participates in the I-Pago platform, it takes 5-10 seconds* for the funds to be received. At that point the funds are immediately available to the beneficiary.

When the receiving bank is not on the I-Pago platform, the payment is processed on the Monday.

How can a beneficiary on another island be paid? If the beneficiary bank does not appear on the local banks dropdown list, the payment should be made using the International Payments option.

The local transfer I made has been reversed. What happened? With the introduction of the Instant Payments (I-Pago) platform, transfers are processed automatically. Perhaps the account number was entered incorrectly, the account number and name do not match or there was a problem with the account. In those cases the transfer will be rejected by the receiving bank and funds are credited back to your account. Please check with the beneficiary if the account number and name are correct.

Another reason can be a temporary problem with the system. When you send a payment and the I-Pago system is down, or the beneficiary bank cannot receive the payment, the funds are also credited back to your account.

Why is a recurring Local Transfer (Standing Order) rejected where it previously was processed? In the past some Banks used to manually correct and process the transaction when it came in, however the Instant Payments (I-Pago) platform is a fully automated system which returns your payment when there is a problem with the account number. Please check with the beneficiary if the account number and name are correctly entered in the recurring payment.

*In the first few months after the introduction of the Instant Payments (I-Pago) platform, the transaction process time will be maximum 3 minutes. However, the aim is bring the transaction time down to 5-10 seconds.

International Payments

How can a beneficiary in the USA or Europe be paid? Beneficiaries on the other Caribbean islands, in the USA or Europe can be paid using the International Payments option.

How can beneficiaries in the world, other than the other Caribbean islands, the USA or Europe be paid? All international beneficiaries can be paid by using the International Payments option.

What is a SWIFT (BIC) code or Clearing (ABA) code? All banks are identified by a unique code called a BIC (Bank Identification Code), also known as SWIFT code. The SWIFT code of the beneficiary bank is required. A SWIFT code is always 8 or 11 characters long.

Examples of SWIFT codes for some banks in The Netherlands are:

Postbank PSTBNL21
Rabobank RABONL2U

If you need to find the SWIFT code of a specific bank, you can visit https://www2.swift.com/bsl/, where you can search on BIC, city or country.

If a payment is being made to America and you have an American Bankers Association (ABA code), please select ‘Clearing Code’ from the ‘SWIFT Code' drop-down, select United States from the country list and then enter the ABA number in the FW-field. The ABA number is 9 digits long.

An example of a US ABA code is:

TD Bank, N.A Wilmington, Delaware 031101266

If you need to find the ABA code of a specific bank, you can visit http://routingnumber.aba.com, where you can search on ABA number, financial institution, city, state or zip code.

What is an IBAN? European Union banks require a SWIFT code as well as an additional IBAN (International Bank Account Number) number.

An IBAN is required when sending International Payments to banks in the European Union.

The IBAN is a combination of numbers and letters, which starts with 2 letters identifying the country where the account is held. The format differs by country. Some examples:

Netherlands: NL44RABO0123456789
Belgium: BE62510007547061
Germany: DE89370400440532013000

Why the use of the IBAN? The use of the IBAN enables the automatic processing of payments by European banks and therefore speeds up the processing of the funds to the beneficiary account.

Where can I find the IBAN? The beneficiary must provide his IBAN to the ordering customer. This IBAN can be found on the statement of the beneficiary's account. By law, European companies must also print their IBAN on the invoices they issue.

You may visit http://www.ibannl.org for more information on IBAN numbers in Holland.

Note: If you don’t know the beneficiary’s IBAN or the beneficiary’s bank BIC (SWIFT code), you should contact the beneficiary to provide you with this information.

Which currency codes are available for International Transactions? The following currencies are available for an International Payment:

EUR European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Euro
USD United States of America, Dollar
AWG Aruba, Guilder *
CAD Canada, Dollar
XCG Curaçao & St. Maarten, Guilder *
GBP Great Brittain, British pound
JPY Japan, Yen
CHF Switzerland, Franc

* AWG only available for transactions to Aruba banks. XCG only available for transactions to Curaçao or St. Maarten banks.

What are correspondent bank fees? When you make in international payment the funds are first sent to the correspondent bank and from there the funds are sent to the receiving bank.

The beneficiary may be charged a fee by the correspondent bank for receiving an international payment. For international payments Euro, US Dollar and British pound refer to the tables below. For international payments in any of the other offered currencies, the beneficiary may be charged a similar fee.

The following Correspondent Bank Charges will be applied to Euro (EUR) International Payments.

Amount of Payment
Beneficiary Charges
1.00 - 250.00 0
250.01 - 500.00 10.00
500.01 - 1,000.00 15.00
1,000.01 - 5,000.00 30.00
5,000.01 - 10,000.00 60.00
10,000.01 - 50,000.00 75.00
50,000.00+ 100.00

The following Correspondent Bank Charges will be applied to US Dollar (USD) International Payments.

Amount of Payment
Beneficiary Charges
1.00 - 500.00 0
500.01 - 1,000.00 15.00
1,000.01 - 5,000.00 30.00
5,000.01 - 10,000.00 60.00
10,000.01 - 50,000.00 75.00
50,000.00+ 100.00

The following Correspondent Bank Charges will be applied to British pounds (GBP) International Payments.

Amount of Payment
Beneficiary Charges
1.00 - 100.00 0
100.01 - 1,000.00 5.00
1,000.01 - 10,000.00 15.00
10,000.01+ 25.00

Please note that the amount of the abovementioned charges are in the currency of the international payment. For example, if the outgoing payment amount is GBP 750.00, the correspondent charges are GBP 5.00. The beneficiary bank will receive GBP 745.00.

Please note that the receiving bank may charge the beneficiary for receiving international payments.

Bill Payments

When does the beneficiary of a bill actually get the payment? Because the beneficiary’s account is at Caribbean Mercantile Bank, the payment will be received immediately when scheduled for the same day, or when future dated, the transaction will be processed at 6 AM on the scheduled day.

Can a local bill be paid from a Dollar or Euro account? Yes, however, the beneficiary account will be credited in its local (e.g. AWG) currency.

Sentoo Payments

What is Sentoo and where can I use it? A Sentoo payment is a payment initiated by a merchant, paid via Mobile and Online Banking. You can make a Sentoo payment anywhere where Sentoo is available as a payment method. Look for the Sentoo checkout button, Sentoo QR code or Sentoo payment link. Find out more about participating companies on the Sentoo website.

Do I need a Sentoo account to make a Sentoo payment? No, that is not necessary. All you need is an Online banking account. If you use Mobile Banking app or Online Banking website, you can immediately start making Sentoo payments.

How do I make an online Sentoo payment? You select the product or service that you want to buy or pay for. This can be anything from a purchase in a local online store to paying a bill in an online portal.

How do I make a Sentoo payment from an invoice with a QR code? A paper invoice that has a printed Sentoo QR code can be paid using the Mobile Banking app.

Is a Sentoo payment safe? Yes, a Sentoo payment is made via the Mobile Banking app or Online Banking website, which is private and secure. Whether you bank on a PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device, your accounts are always secure. Your Online Banking account is protected by your trusted password and your e-Code.

Are there extra cost involved with a Sentoo payment? A Sentoo payment is free of charge for Personal Online Banking users. Business Online Banking users are charged the standard transaction fee.

Please note that the Local Transfer fee is charged to Personal Online Banking users when the company you are paying has an account at another local bank.

What is the difference between Sentoo payment and a traditional Online Banking payment? Both types of payments are made using the Mobile Banking app or Online Banking website, however, for Sentoo payments, all payment details, such as the beneficiary, payment amount, and description, are pre-filled automatically and cannot be changed. This mean that the beneficiary always receives the correct amount and payment information.

Can I use Sentoo to pay a company on another island? No. At the moment, Sentoo payments only can be made to local companies on the same island.

I have a question about a specific Sentoo payment. Who can I contact? For questions about a specific Sentoo payment, you can start by contacting the company that you paid. If the company you paid cannot answer the question you can contact Sentoo directly through the support page on their website.

I am experiencing technical difficulties while making a payment. Who can I contact? Please contact the company you are trying to pay. They have Sentoo’s emergency contact information to resolve issues as soon as possible.

Can I reverse a Sentoo payment? Yes, but if you have made a payment using Sentoo and want to undo the payment, you cannot do this through the Bank. Please contact the company that you paid directly to arrange a reversal of the payment.

Where can I find more information about Sentoo? Please visit our website or sentoo.io for more information about Sentoo for consumers and for businesses.


What are the transaction limits? Transfers and payments are subject to the following daily and amount limits, subject to change by the Bank.

Personal Online Banking

Transaction type Maximum Amount per
Day/Transaction (AWG)*
Own Accounts Transfers 10,000,000
Transfers to CMB accounts 50,000
Local Transfers 50,000
International Payments 25,000
Bill Payments 50,000
Sentoo Payments 50,000

Business Online Banking

Transaction type Maximum Amount per
Day/Transaction (AWG)*
Own Accounts Transfers 10,000,000
Transfers to CMB Accounts 250,000
Local Transfers 250,000
International Payments 150,000
Bill Payments 250,000
Sentoo Payments 250,000

* For a transaction in another currency the AWG equivalent will be used

Fees & Service Charges

What are the fees involved for CMB Online Banking? CMB Online Banking has no monthly fee and it has the following transaction fees.

Personal Online Banking

Transaction type Fee (AWG)
Own Accounts Transfers Free of charge
Transfers to CMB accounts Free of charge
Local Transfers Free of charge
International Payments Standard fees apply
Bill Payments Free of charge
Sentoo Payments Free of charge

Business Online Banking

Transaction type Fee (AWG)
Own Accounts Transfers* Free of charge/1.00
Transfers to CMB accounts 1.00
Local Transfers 1.00
International Payments Standard fees apply
Bill Payments 1.00
Sentoo Payments 1.00

*Own Account Transfers between accounts in name of the same entity are free of change. Account Transfers between accounts visible under the same Business Online Banking Username but in name of different entities are charged AWG 1.00.

What are "Standard fees" for international payments? The fees for international payments consist of three components: the fees that the sender’s bank charges, the correspondent bank fees and the receiving bank fees.

We will charge the sender a fee for the international payment, while the beneficiary pays the charges of the intermediary bank (and those of his/her own bank, if there are any). The intermediary bank fees are deducted from the transferred amount.

Prepaid Phone Recharge

Which prepaid phones can be recharged on CMB Online Banking? All Digicel and Setar prepaid phones can be recharged through CMB Online Banking.

How are prepaid phones recharged on CMB Online Banking? By making an immediate payment to the Digicel or Setar beneficiary in the 'Bill Payments' section.

When is the recharge applied on the prepaid phone for use? The recharge will take place within five (5) minutes after the payment has been made. If you schedule a recharge using a future date, the recharge will take place at 6 AM on the scheduled day.

Self-Service Portal

What is the Self-Service Portal? The Self-Service Portal is a separate website where you can maintain your personal information, like your email address and phone number. You also can use the Self-Service Portal to activate and maintain e-Code (soft token) and reset your password.

I’ve forgotten my password. How can it be reset? When you have forgotten your password, it can be reset using the Self-Service Portal. To do this, go to the Online Banking login page and click the "Forgot Password?" link. It will take you to the Self-Service Portal. Follow the password reset process to get a new password.

Mobile Banking

Is special access needed when using the Mobile Banking app? No. Start using our iOS app immediately – all you need is your Online Banking username and password. Your e-Code (soft token) will be activated during first login. Available on your mobile device using a data plan, or via a Wi-Fi network. No SMS capability required.

Is it safe to use the Mobile Banking app? Your accounts are always secure with the app’s secured connection and Multi Factor Authentication. Your personal information remains private and is always protected.

In which languages is the Mobile Banking app available? The CMB Mobile Banking app language can be set to English or Dutch. Use CMB Mobile Banking in the language of your choice.

For what platforms is the Mobile Banking app available? The CMB Mobile Banking app is available for Google Android and Apple iOS devices. Click on one of the store buttons on the Online Banking login page to download the Mobile Banking app of your choice.

Is it possible to enable Quick Login on all my devices? Yes, it is possible to register up to three (3) devices and enable Quick Login on every device. When you try to register a fourth device, you will get a “You have exceeded the maximum allowed tokens.” message. Be sure to only register your own devices.

How can I see which devices I have registered under my username? View and manage your registered devices directly from the Mobile Banking app or Online Banking website. To see your registered devices on your app, login, go to the User menu and tap Manage my Devices. To see your registered devices on the Online Banking website, login, go to settings and click Settings and click Manage Devices.

I forgot my 5-digit PIN code, how do I reset my account? When you have forgotten the 5-digit PIN code on one of your registered devices, open the Mobile Banking app, select ‘Login with another user’ and enter your username. Then click ‘Continue’, enter your password and e-Code number to login. After a successful login, click the User menu > Manage my Devices and click on the current device name. The Device Details screen opens. Click the pencil icon and click on ‘Change PIN’. Enter the new PIN code, repeat the new PIN code and click ‘Submit’. Finalize the change by confirming the change with an e-Code number.

How many usernames can I remember per device? Per device you can remember a maximum of five (5) usernames.

What if the Mobile Banking app is not available for my device? If our Mobile Banking app is not available for your device, we offer you our Mobile Web. Go to our regular Online Banking website address on your Internet enabled phone or mobile device and automatically enjoy the normal banking features on our secure and light-weight, mobile-friendly website.


I did not opt-in for any alert, however I received one. How is this possible? For most of the alert types it is possible to opt-out, however for security alerts it is not possible to opt-out. These alerts will always be sent. An example is the creation of a new beneficiary. When you do this, you always will receive an alert.

I accidentally cleared the received push notifications. Is it possible to still see those alerts? Yes, all push notifications are also sent as a secure message to your Online and Mobile Banking inbox. If you have cleared your push notifications and you’d like to read them, login to the Online Banking website, or your Mobile Banking app and go to the messages section to read all received alerts.

Do I need to stay logged in the Mobile Banking app for the push notifications to work? No, when you have chosen push notifications as your alerts delivery channel, they will work without the need to be logged in to the Mobile Banking app.

When I temporary deactivate my alerts, are they suspended for all devices? Yes, when you temporarily deactivate your alerts on one of the registered devices, or via the Online Banking website, no alerts are sent via secure message, email or push notification, until activated again.

I see that there are unread messages, but the Inbox looks empty. Why is this? By default your Inbox shows messages posted within the last thirty (30) days. The unread message(s) is probably older than thirty days. To view these click, on the filter (funnel icon) and select an older From Date. Go back in time until the older messages appear.


Which account balance is shown on the Mobile Banking widget screen? The widget screen shows your available balance. If you’d like to know your current balance, please login to Online Banking or the Mobile Banking app.

Do I need to stay logged in the Mobile Banking app for the widgets to work? No, the widgets will work without the need to be logged in to the Mobile Banking app. Only during the setup of the widgets, you will be asked to login to the app.

When I add one of my templates to the Quick Access Templates widget section, will everyone that has possession of my device be able to make the transfer or payment? No, after selecting the Quick Access Template, the Mobile Banking app will open and first ask for a fingerprint or PIN code authentication. Without the right fingerprint or PIN code, it is not possible to make the transfer or payment.